MAke It Innovative

#S2 E8: How to Deal, and Heal, From Stress, + Build Resiliency So You Can Be Prepared for the “Roaring 20’s” with Marina Zaharan

Season 2 Episode 8
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00:00 | 55:02

We’re talking about a three step process - recognize, strategize, and normalize -  to deal, and heal, from stress, and build resiliency so you can be prepared for what experts and Futurists, like Mark Bryan, are calling the “Roaring 20’s”.

This is the conversation you need to consider the mental, and physical, ways you can support your health to prepare for reentry as we emerge from life post-pandemic, with Marina Zaharan. If you've been feeling overwhelmed with the idea of going back to the office, or overstimulated from all that has been happening in the world around us, this is the solution-based, action-oriented conversation you need to regain control and build resiliency.

Marina is a meditation leader at Columbus' renowned Paloma, on the brand strategy and development team for Alchemy Brands - a collection of wellness-inspired food concepts including fast casual cafes, prepared meals, and nutrition services - and licensed Ayruvedic practitioner.