MAke It Innovative
"MAke It Innovative" features deep dive discussions on the world of innovation as it relates to the built environment from MA Design. These innovators are the one that are shifting the ways things are done in Columbus and Cincinnati, introducing new ideas and energy to our evolving cities in a way that elevates human experiences and enriches lives. Hear from inside of the minds of the people that are changing our cities for the better, finding inspiration on what they're focused on now and getting insight on what's next.
MAke It Innovative
S2 15 : Achea Redd Shares What You Need to Make Your Mental Health Healthier
m+a architects
Season 2
Episode 15
Listen in as author, speaker and national mental health advocate Achea Redd shares what you need to make your mental health easier.
On today's episode, we're talking about why connection and community are so important, why normal needs to be canceled, how to support yourself and others in their mental wellness and of course, why you need to seek substance versus surface in your relationships to stay mentally healthy.
Achea shares tips, tricks and ways to be mentally healthy, and happy, right now, recognizing that together having vulnerable conversations we can create space for change, and support one another.