MAke It Innovative
MAke It Innovative
S2 E16: The Future of Gaming and E-Sports with Belong Gaming's Bob Morris
Wondering if there is a future in gaming? Curious what e-sports isWondering if there is a future in gaming? Curious what e-sports actually is?
This episode, featuring Bob Morris, the Arenas Opening Manager at Belong Gaming, is for you.
Belong Gaming Arena, the ultimate e-sports arena, is taking the world by storm coming to the United States this year.
Listen in as Bob Morris sheds light on why the U.S. needs a Belong Gaming Arena, a day-in-the-life as an opening arenas manager, and why the global esports audience should be important to you with the architectural partner lead of the project, M+A Principal and Director of our Cincinnati office, Seth Oakley.
According to Forbes, the global gaming market is projected to surpass 200 billion by the end of 2023, and gaming arenas serve as a hub for this growth.
Listen and grow in curiosity as this episode takes a deep dive into all things e-sports.